OFT (On Farm Trials) for the year 2024-25

  1. Agronomy
    1. Assessing yield performance of red gram with improved technology
    2. Assessing the performance of ID crop Bengal gram in Kharif rice fallows under different establishment methods.
    3. Assessment of profitable cropping system (sesame/green gram succeeding cotton.
    4. Varietal assessment of Groundnut variety TCGS-1694
  2. Plant Protection
    1. Assessment on Management of panicle mite and associated diseases in Rice
    2. Assessment on Integrated pest management for Black thrips (Thrips Parvispinus) in chilli
    3. Assessment on Management of boll rot diseases in Bt-Cotton
    4. Assessment on Management of Soil Borne Diseases in Bengal gram
  3. Animal Sciences
    1. Assessment of enhancing the milk fat and SNF by supplementing sodium bicarbonate and yeast in cross bred dairy cattle.
    2. Assessment of small ruminant mineral mixture supplement on growth performance of ram lambs.
    3. Evaluation of herbolact - herbal formulation against bovine mastitis
    4. Assessment of on augmenting fertility in dairy cattle through estrous synchronization
    5. Efficacy of coated vitamins and chelated trace minerals in reproductive problems of dairy cattle.
    6. Assessment of Sweet Potato as a source of small ruminants feed.
    7. Demonstration an Eco-friendly Ethno veterinary medicine recipe to control ticks
      including Acaricide Resistant species infesting livestock.
  4. Home Science
    1. Assessment of the supplementation with nutrient dense ready to use mix (RTU) to under nourished (12-19) adolescent girls.
    2. Value added multi grain millet batter as an enterprise.
    3. Value Added Laddu with Madhuca longifolia / mahua flowers (Ippa Puvvu) as an enterprise.
  5. Aqua Culture
    1. Assessment of Argulus (Fish Lice) Diseases management in fresh water fish culture.
    2. Assessment of Murrel Growth performance in different Stocking Densities.
    3. Assessment of production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii(scampi) with different stocking densities.
    4. Assessment of Biofloc Technology in fish farming.

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