Conducted monitoring field visits on 21st and 22nd October in HDPS cotton along with CICR Nagpur Scientists. Dr. Saravanan, Senior Scientist, Plant breeding and Dr. HomRaj,Senior Technical Assistant Crop production under CICR special project Targeting technologies to agro-ecological zones-large scale demonstration of best practices to enhance cotton Productivity" under NFSM. Visited farmer's fields in Konkapaka village, Parvathagiri mandal, Chandru thanda, Wardhannapet mandal, Khila warangal east, Khila Warangal mandal, Elkurthy haveli, Anantharam in Geesukonda mandal, Muthsyalapalli, Damera mandal and observed cotton fields under HDPS and closer spacing. Recorded observations and conducted crop cutting experiment along with Agriculture officer and Agriculture Extension officer. The team interacted with farmers on the performance of technology, no of spraying of growth regulator, pest and disease management. Recorded their feedback on the technology. Representatives from Rasi seeds, Nuziveedu, Asian agrigenetics and Veda seeds also accompanied field visits. Dr. Ch. Sowmya briefed on the project details and extent of coverage implemented during this year. Dr. A. Raju explained the measures of pink boll worm management. Dr. Ch.Sowmya SMS (Agronomy), Dr. A. Raju, SMS, Plant protection YP-ll Harsh Vardhan Reddy .& YP-I , Sai Chand, Susruth Ray Cotton special project (ICAR-CICR) and Agriculture department officials and representatives from different seed companies have participated in these monitoring visits